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Dog Grooming

Long-haired Terrier

Here are a few of the most beneficial reasons why your dog wants to come to Glamour Groom:


• Matted fur pulls and causes pain for your dog.

• Crust in the corner of the eye causes sores.

• Long, overgrown nails force your dog to walk on the sides of their pads which could lead to arthritic problems.

• Anal glands should be checked, as if filled up could burst causing expensive surgery.

• Hair in the ears needs to be plucked as this could lead to ear infections.

• Dogs cool off by panting and air circulating around and through their pads. Unless the fur in this area is cleared or trimmed, long fur would impair that ability.


To find out more about how we can help uplift your dog contact us today!


Dog grooming benefits

"Kim has been grooming my two spaniels for a while now. She has met their different needs by grooming them to suit their individual characteristics and habits."

- Jo Webster

Reasons to groom your dog!

Brushing and combing your dog on a regular basis is beneficial as it helps get rid of shedding coat, and keeps the coat knot-free - therefore less chance of matting occurring. You would also be aware if any fleas or mites were present on your dog, which could then be treated promptly. The time you spend grooming your dog is a special bonding time for just the two of you.


If you shampoo your own dog, ensure you brush and comb the coat first, so as to be free of knots and matts. If this was not done, they would tighten even more.

Call Now: 01279 771 998 or 07977 066 510 

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Labrador enjoying shampoo treatment